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Google and social sites ranking

There always an argument on how Google and bing use data form social website like FaceBook and twitter in ranking a site .

For example if a Pgae in FaceBook that has hundreds of followers , is going to affect it is ranking on Google.
If Chanel in YouTube has thousands of subscribers , is that going to affect the channel owner website ?  ( I mean the web site that the owner placed in his/her YouTube Chanel , not the YouTube Chanel itself.

Well, The problem is fair that can be ? for example there are many folks out there they have thousands or accounts at FB an YT then can just use the API to subscribe to a channel or a pge . all off those accounts are dummy accounts but search engines will consider them ligit . so if that's going to be a main factor in ranking, it could affect the result of the search engine as it can be manipulated .
However here is what Matt said about that.

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