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SEO and Social Media Sites

Although a fairly small factor affecting ranking of webpages (only around 5%), the use of social media to promote webpage and websites is beginning to gain popularity of a different sort among those seeking to optimize web pages for search engines. Yes, the use of social media on a webpage barely affects search result ranking but that isn’t what users in the recent upsurge of social media integration are trying to do to promote their webpages and their content.seo social media

Why the sudden upsurge in integration of social media?

For many website owners and promoters, integrating social media into their advertising schemes is viewed as a more “holistic” and “natural” approach to internet advertising. Social media advertising is a form of SEO that ignores the complexities of meta tags, links and keywords, in favor of a more “human” approach to SEO. Additionally, the sudden upsurge in desire to integrate social media in advertising can also be assigned to the growth of popularity of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, and any number of the smaller, more specialized sites that allow users to interact with others across the internet.

Naturally, it is quite possible and happens quite often, unfortunately that optimizers make social media marketing just as complex as the technologic nuances found in competitive analysis and the process of continuously updating characteristics of a webpage to enhance ranking. However, using social media to optimize is, to put it plainly, favoring the visitors over the search engine.

Creating a website that is search-engine friendly (Ex. easy to crawl, made form text) can, at times, have absolutely nothing to do with creating a webpage that is visitor friendly. If a creator chooses to center a website on users, thereby creating a more user-friendly webpage, there aren’t that many more steps that need to be taken to use friendly user opinions of the webpage to optimize.

Have you ever noticed how webpages and sites often contain in side bars or at the end of pages colorful, rather appealing buttons that allow users to “like” or otherwise share enjoyable content with friends, family and acquaintances across the internet? Every time a webpage receives a like, share, or link by a visitor, they are, in one way or another, optimizing by playing to the interests of the people. More links to a webpage means more visitors. Likewise, more likes or shares of a webpage mean more visitors.

The more technical element of social media optimizing comes into play when webpage owners and optimizers take it upon themselves to analyze how the public is responding to content on the webpage. Ultimately, optimization using social media takes place when creators update and change their webpage in order to attract visitors to share, like, or link to their webpage.

There are a number of different techniques that are used to try and make webpages more appealing, interesting and user-friendly. Of course, including easy user capabilities to share or like content is a must in order to optimize using social media, but other ways to simply attract and appeal to visitors include providing new, fresh information, interactive elements within the webpage, relevant and helpful information, and decorative, yet easily navigable webpage layouts. Optimizing using social media is all about pleasing the customers.

And there are additional bonuses!

Capabilities for social media interaction are read by search engine crawlers and are often actually, almost always considered a positive ranking factor. By integrating interactive elements into a webpage, not only is it possible to improve factor ranking, but it is also more importantly possible to naturally and holistically create website popularity by trying to create content that appeals to visitors, encouraging them to share what they have found with others they have already connected with on the internet.

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